Technical Support
Nc machine tool
FWV-L850Design and application of parametric CNC programming for machining center
4 example of the macro program of a kind of aluminum profile extrusion die
? ? In order to process parts shown in Figure 1, you can use the following macro program .

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Figure 1 similar parts
? ? ? ?The main program is:
N10 G91 G28 Z0
N20 G17 G21 G40 G49 G80
N30 G54 G90 G00 X0 Y0
N40 G43 H01 Z30
N50 S1200 M03 M08
N60 G65 P8004A57 B17 C5 E27 H8 R7 U30 V3 W1 F500 D6 S1000
N61 G28 X0Y0Z30
N70 M09
N80 M05
N90 M30
Macro program:
N01 #1=#1+2*#7
N02 #2=#2+#7
N03 #11=#11+#7
N04 #18=#18-#7
N10 G91 G01 Z-30 F#9
N26 #10=FUP[ABS[#21/#22]]?
N27 WHILE [#10 GT 0] DO1
N28 #10=#10-1
N35 G01 Z-[#21/FUP[ABS[#21/#22]]]
N45 #32=[#8+#18-#2]/2
N46 #20=FUP[#32/[#7*#23]]
N47 #12=#20
N50 WHILE [#12 GT 0] DO2
N60 #12=#12-1
N61 #17=1-#12/#20
N70 IF [#12 NE #20-1] GOTO 81
N71 IF [#12EQ0] GOTO 77
N75 G01 Y[-#32/#20] F[#9/2]
N76 GOTO100
N77 G01 X#32 F[#9/2]
N78 G02 X[-#32] Y[-#32] R#32
N79 GOTO 100
N81 IF [#12 NE 0] GOTO 90
N83 G01 Y[#32-#32/#20]
N84 G01 X#32
N85 G02 X[-#32] Y[-#32] R#32
N86 GOTO 100
N91 G01 Y[-#32/#20]
N100 G01 X-[#1/2+[#18+#3/2]*[1-#17]] F#9
N110 G01 Y-[#2+#32*[1-#17]]
N130 G02 X[-#18*#17] Y[-#18*#17] R[#18*#17]
N140 G01 X-[#3*#17]
N150 G02 X[-#18*#17] Y[#18*#17] R[#18*#17]
N160 G01 Y[#8-[#32-#18]*[1-#17]]
N190 G02 X[#18*#17] Y[#18*#17] R[#18*#17]
N200 G01 X[#1+#18+#3/2+[#3/2]*#17+[#18+#3/2]*[1-#17]]
N220 G01 Y[#11+#32*[1-#17]]
N230 G02 X[#18*#17] Y[#18*#17] R[#18*#17]
N240 G01 X[#3*#17]
N250 G02 X[#18*#17] Y-[#18*#17] R[#18*#17]
N260 G01 Y-[#11+#18+#8]
N270 G02 X[-#18*#17] Y[-#18*#17] R[#18*#17]
N280 G01 X[-#3*#17]
N290 G02 X[-#18*#17] Y[#18*#17] R[#18*#17]
N300 G01 Y[#2+#32*[1-#17]]
N310 G01 X-[#1/2+[#18+#3/2]*[1-#17]]
N320 END2
N330 G02 X-#32 Y#32 R#32
N340 G01 X#32
N350 END1
N360 G90 G00 Z30
N380 M99
? ? According to the similar method, the aluminum profile extrusion die can be classified as the macro programming, and the effect of the parameters is realized. Fowei precision machine language Foshan University precision cooperation, success will be more than 60 parts of 5 integer programming class. Because of the limited space do not dwell here. Project team members will be detailed in other parts of the relevant technology.
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